Online Student Learner Engagement

Creating and demonstrating an engaging online class can significantly benefit students' learning experience and bring a positive class environment. Contributing on a daily and weekly basis contributes to a rewarding and practical experience for both the students and the instructor. This has helped increase students' motivation for projects and discussions while viewing different perspectives on class topics. Students can have a personalized learning experience with instructors and classmates tailored to individual needs, guidance, and support. For an online class, we work together on building a virtual community to foster collaboration and peer and instructor support in a positive learning environment. When students feel connected with the instructor and peers, they are more likely to show a more substantial commitment to the class, which helps increase retention rates. ​​
Student quote: The course was well structured and provided a good mix of activities for students to utilize. Professor Prodywus was amazing, as she was supportive, responsive, and generally facilitated a constructive learning environment.
Instructor-Student Communication
Weekly Announcements
When opening a class for the first time, a student is given the first impression of the class, environment, and structure. It's vital for online students to feel welcomed and confident in the expectations and accessibility of the material provided and to build interest in why marketing will be essential to learn. Creating an inviting online atmosphere can be encouraging for each student. Before class begins, students can access the "Welcome" message, instructor contact information, discussion board for open class questions and student introductions, and the course syllabus. The purpose is to empower students on class expectations, requirements, structure, and organization to feel confident in reaching their highest learning potential. Weekly announcements are posted on Monday of each to help students track the course modules, expectations, assignments, particular messages, and a brief overview of the topics to stimulate their engagement and provide a roadmap to their learning journey.

Weekly Email Communications
Being active daily on email is one way I show my students the importance of communication. It is not only necessary in school but also the business world. If an email is dropped or not responded to, this could cause delays in the workforce. Being accountable and present is essential for students learning from a learning coach. Today, we live in a world where instant gratification in communication is a necessary acknowledgment of student's goals. Although email is not an instant messenger system, it is crucial to respond to students within a 24-hour.
With online education, it's essential for students to feel comfortable and confident in communication with their learning coach. One way to start the openness for positive communication and support is by emailing students individually. There are various options to start the dialog for students-instructor communication to help develop student educational achievement on projects and participation in class.
Student quote: "The most valuable part of the course was being able to share such a great relationship with this professor. I let her know of a difficulty that I had and right off the bat, she was very encouraging and so sweet! She's one of the reasons why I decided to minor in Business."
Email can be a great form of communication to send messages to students who have gone above and beyond on assignments and tests or show support to other students. Students are always grateful for the acknowledgment and a bit surprised when you do take notice of their work through personalized communication. Email is also a great way to help and encourage students in need. Suppose a student is not performing or active in class or on an assignment. In that case, I always give extra encouragement and resources they can use to understand and feel confident about the expectations. This has also opened the line of communication to help and support students in need during challenging times. I have often found that a student will be silent and uncomfortable asking for help or sharing information. If I notice a change in their work skills and reach out first, the students appreciate and feel acknowledged in the online class environment. Email has been a great tool in providing a supportive learning experience.
Student Assignment Feedback
As a learning coach, it is important to bring individualized feedback to student assignments. For all class discussion board assignments and projects, students are provided a rubric for categories grading scale, specific details on expectations and requirements, and an individualized summary evaluation. Each message is addressed with the student's name, followed by the assessment of each rubric grading category. I also include ideas for students to enhance/improve sections and a source to take a deep dive into the subject matter.
Here is an example from a student's discussion board assignment:
Student Name,
Great job on the "Promotion and Price" sections for the healthy carob product of the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion). Great job providing two marketing channels to promote the product - events and websites. When considering our top marketing channels, it's essential to consider the target market. Our job in marketing is to promote and be "seen," depending on the target market habits. Good detail on the pricing factors for determining the price and considering the target market. Good work on the pricing strategy and price factors.
Excellent work on the research and referenced list in APA format. Marketing is based on research.
Here's a short video on marketing pricing strategies we see daily, even when shopping at Walmart. Title: Typical Pricing Strategies You See Everyday Link:
You can review the rubric to see the sections graded for this assignment.
Keep up the great work!
Prof Prodywus
Discussion Board Engagement
Students have several weeks in class to participate in the class discussion board assignments. In the first week of class, students are given an icebreaker introduction discussion to introduce themselves, their major, work and volunteer experience, hobbies, and any marketing experience. This has been an excellent tool for me as the instructor to get to know the students and to engage in online conversations. During the first week of class, I responded to the students' posts to welcome them to class, bring confidence in their learning, let them know the instructor was actively participating, and help them with the marketing topics. In the following weeks, I participate early in the week by responding to student posts to help encourage early engagement in the discussions. This has also been a great way to help students struggling in different areas. We also have a section for students to "Ask the Instructor" any public general questions that might help other classmates. This section is checked daily to ensure adequate response times to posts to help students, typically within 24 hours.

Response post example:
Welcome, Student Name!
Great to have you in our marketing class and I can see you stay busy with school, work, and volunteering! Great job working on your degree in marketing and business. For the evaluation of the marketing mix and your online purchase for the new computer, you've provided good details on the experience from the consumer perspective and incorporated all sections of the marketing mix. How can a company effectively adapt its marketing mix strategies to address changing consumer preferences and market dynamics in order to maintain a competitive edge?
Prof Prodywus
Contact Your Instructor Page

A page is created in each course, located on the top left side navigation section, to provide students with an overview of my background, hobbies, marketing experience, contact information, and a picture. It also provides students with the best ways to contact me and communication time expectancies and helps to create a personal learning experience.
Weekly Zoom Office Hours
Open and optional Zoom office hours are available weekly to students. I stay consistent with the day and time each week so students can quickly join and plan for the week. The open office hours are posted in the left-hand navigation button for "Weekly Office Hours" and in each weekly announcement and module. Students can join, ask marketing or assignment questions, or meet the instructor and other students.

Student-Student Communication
Discussion Board Assignment
Throughout the online class, students have several discussion board assignments. Some discussion board assignments are for individual activities, and others are provided in a group format. In the initial week of class, students have an icebreaker introduction, including information they would like to share with the instructor and peers. This includes hobbies, major, and work/volunteer experience. An introductory marketing topic from the weekly reading follows the icebreaker. This has been a great asset in our online classes, allowing students to get to know their classmates and form a stronger community for online learning.
Detailed instructions are provided for each discussion board assignment, as follows:
Initial post due by midnight (11:59 pm) Thursday and two response posts to classmates due midnight (11:59 pm) Sunday.
This is a graded/required assignment.
Total points 35; 3.5% of the final grade.
Review the Discussion Board Rubric to see the four sections graded for this assignment. This aligns the students with the assignment requirements.
Students are also provided specific instructions on the required length of information for both the initial post and the response posts. Example:
To introduce yourself to your classmates, kindly share an introduction with us...
PART 1 - Introductions (one paragraph required)
Tell us about yourself, such as your major, what you do for wages or if you volunteer, what you do for fun, your favorite recreation, a favorite show, a book you recommend, your dream vacation, your main hobby, etc.
Share your experience, if any, in marketing. Have you worked in marketing, or promoted a group, event, or nonprofit?
For the last section of the discussion board instructions, a quick overview on the sections graded are included with a reminder to review the rubric.
Grade Requirements
Discussion participation is graded, using a rubric that is based on the following features:
For more information review the Discussion Rubric for this assignment.
Parts of the group project assignments are posted on our discussion board for students to review everyone's work in class. In the summer classes, students work on an individual marketing plan and create a PowerPoint presentation in the last week with a video recording of their work. This has greatly benefited our class for student engagement and learning from watching everyone's marketing plan videos.

Group Projects
Group project assignments are required in all online courses to help build collaboration and communication skills (also a part of the marketing skills needed) and help bring a sense of community to student learning environments. In the first week, students work in their groups; the group creates a contract by listing each member, determining meeting frequencies and methods of communication, how to track each member's contributions, the role of each individual on assignments, a non-cooperation policy, group member experience, and ideas shared for the project. The contract is a graded assignment to ensure participation and the completion of this important group setting expectation requirements.
For the Digital Marketing course, students are grouped into three teams to build a website in WordPress. Group projects include building the website outline plan, page design, page content, and a blog page. This project is excellent for students to demonstrate the digital marketing skills learned from our course objectives and goals. The final website is posted on the discussion board for everyone in class to view and provide responses to classmates.
In the Principles of Marketing class, students are grouped into a five-member team to create a real-world marketing plan. The project starts with a group discussion board assignment and selecting a company of the group's choice. Research is required for the assignment, and students can use valuable research skills from business databases in the online library. The plan is divided into two sections of group work with individuals assigned to different information categories. In the final competition for the group assignment, students create a PowerPoint group video of the completed marketing plan. This has been an excellent way for students to learn collaboration for the online project. The video is provided in the discussion board for all class members to view and give feedback to each group's project.

At the end of the final group project completion, each student submits an online peer review for each group member, rating participation, timeliness, and overall support as a team member. The peer evaluation is an online Google Docs form.

Digital Marketing Simulation Competition
The Digital Marketing class includes a marketing simulation activity provided by Stukent's Digital Marketing Simternship™. This is a ten-week interactive simulation for students to experience the role of a digital marketing intern at Buhi Supply, Co. Students gradually master digital marketing and manage thousands of dollars in ad budget. The simulation gives students confidence in the subject and skills to add to their resume. Activities include building ads, analyzing KPIs, optimizing landing pages, targeting key audiences, and other digital marketing skills. Students in the top ten of the simulation results are posted in the announcements each week to encourage a higher level of participation.